Thus says the LORD: “In a time of favor I have answered you; in a day of salvation I have helped you; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, to establish the land, to apportion the desolate heritages . . .”
As a result of sin and disobedience, God’s people were taken to Babylon in chains. Defeated, they found themselves in a new land with no place to worship their God. It was for this difficult time that Isaiah spoke a word of hope, a promise of restoration from God. God wanted to assure His people that He had not forgotten them nor would He ever abandon them. In this passage, we will look at what God promised to restore for His people.
• Are you experiencing hopelessness and fear in some areas of your life? Which passages in Scripture show God’s promises to His people that relate to your life and family right now? Write them down so you can meditate on them this week and speak
hope into your situation.
• Do you have faith to see beyond present circumstances and trust that God will restore His light, inheritance, and protection for you? What are you willing to do in response to today’s message?
• Think of someone who needs to be reminded of God’s compassion and protection. Ask Him to give you the words to encourage and speak hope to him or her this week.