4But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
We were slaves of sin and were held captive under the law (Galatians 3:23). During Paul’s time, slaves were under the rulership of their masters. They could not do anything apart from what their master would say or allow. Sin was our master, so God gave us the law, a set of rules and obligations, as a guide for how we are to live. But because we are limited and sinful, we could not obey or fulfill the law and, therefore, deserve punishment. The good news is that Jesus came to bring hope. He bought us at a price—His own life—so we could be freed from the bondage of sin. Christmas reminds us that Jesus came to bring hope and set us free. How exactly did Jesus set us free?
• Jesus redeemed us from our slavery to sin. How will this affect your attitude toward His commands?
• Are there still areas in your life where you experience difficulty in obeying God? What can you do this week to stand firm in the freedom Jesus secured for you?
• For this week, meditate on Romans 5:8. How will knowing that Jesus redeemed us despite our sins change the way you see and treat others? How can you preach the gospel to those you don’t usually talk to?