“You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
For forty years, the Israelites depended completely on God for their survival. But as they were about to enter the land He had promised, Moses told them that God would give them the power to get wealth. They may or may not have understood what this meant, but Moses assured them that it would happen because it was part of God’s covenant with their forefathers. Before they even experienced this and entered the Promised Land, Moses charged them to keep trusting God, who gives the power to get wealth. They were to trust Him, not their own ability or the provision itself. Today, we will look at three truths about trusting God for provision.
• What or who do you rely on for your daily needs to be met? What are you willing to do differently in response to today’s message?
• Do you believe God gives His people the power to produce wealth? Why does He do this and how is this a confirmation of His promise?
• How can your life reflect God’s goodness, provision, and grace? What is one thing you can do this week to remind others to trust God?