“The whole commandment that I command you today you shall be careful to do, that you may live and multiply, and go in and possess the land that the LORD swore to give to your fathers.”
In his last message to the Israelite nation in Deuteronomy 8, Moses addressed them before they entered the Promised Land. He reminded them that they had a covenant relationship with the Lord their God. This covenant or agreement, which God Himself initiated out of His lovingkindness, encompassed all areas of their lives. One important aspect of that covenant is highlighted in this passage—God’s promise to provide for His people. God had given this promise to Abraham long before He admonished the Israelites to carefully obey His commands. Moses charged them to keep their end of the covenant, knowing that God would be faithful to keep His. Today, we will look at what God promised and the Israelites’ part in receiving this promise.
• What are some promises and instructions God has given believers through His word? Spend time meditating on Deuteronomy 8 this week. Ask God for insights into His word.
• How has God been faithful to you and provided for your needs? What did you learn today and how does this apply to your situation?
• Think of a family member or friend who could use your encouragement this week. How can you pray for and encourage him or her that God is faithful to fulfill His promises and that our obedience in faith places us in a position to receive His blessing?