Sermons from 2022 (Page 16)
God is Seeking True Worshiper 5 / 用心灵和诚实敬拜神 5 / 하나님이 찾으시는 한 사람 5
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Joyful in Prayer
Joyful in prayer Philippians 1:4 (NIV)4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy Join us this Sunday as we learn how to increase your joy in this year of supernatural increase. INCREASE YOUR JOY BY PRAYING TO ABOUND IN LOVE INCREASE YOUR JOY BY PRAYING TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE AND DISCERNMENT INCREASE YOUR JOY BY PRAYING TO MAKE EXCELLENT CHOICES INCREASE YOUR JOY BY PRAYING TO BE PURE AND BLAMELESS INCREASE YOUR JOY BY PRAYING…
Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem
Nehemiah 3-4
主日崇拜-完整版视频 20220227
讨论问题 今天的犹太人坚持摩西是他们历史上最伟大的先知。为什么他们有这样的观点?试着从救赎史的角度来解读。 从救恩历史发展的角度来分享,摩西和耶稣到底有那些相似之处。 PPT 奉献 GIVING 保存奉献二维码图片到相册 微信/支付宝扫码步骤:打开微信/支付宝扫一扫,点击相册选择保存的奉献二维码图片,即可奉献。
主日证道视频|新出埃及记 20220227
讨论问题 今天的犹太人坚持摩西是他们历史上最伟大的先知。为什么他们有这样的观点?试着从救赎史的角度来解读。 从救恩历史发展的角度来分享,摩西和耶稣到底有那些相似之处。 PPT 奉献 GIVING 保存奉献二维码图片到相册 微信/支付宝扫码步骤:打开微信/支付宝扫一扫,点击相册选择保存的奉献二维码图片,即可奉献。
The Word Gives Life
JOHN 5:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.” Every day, we probably think about the kind of life we want to live. We surround ourselves with confidants and secure more things to improve the quality of our lives. While these are good, there is a deeper hole that needs to be filled. All of us are looking for a life that has meaning and purpose. The world…
Joyful in God’s Faithfulness
Joyful in God’s Faithfulness Philippians 1:6 (ESV)6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Join us this Sunday as we learn how to increase your joy in this year of supernatural increase. INCREASE YOUR JOY BY CONSTANTLY THANKING GOD INCREASE YOUR JOY BY REGULARLY PRAYING FOR OTHERS WITH JOY INCREASE YOUR JOY THROUGH BELIEVING THAT GOD IS FAITHFUL TO FINISH WHAT HE…
Dependence on God
Nehemiah 2