SErmons (Page 94)

SErmons (Page 94)

the Discipline of Rest

Matthew 11:28 (NIV) 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. We live in a busy world that runs 24/7 and there is no space to rest. We concluded our sermon series KINGDOM DISCIPLINES and how we can effectively advance His kingdom when we develop the discipline of rest.

Repent and Believe

A careful reader will note the movement in the book of Jonah. God calls Jonah to Arise and go to Nineveh, but instead Jonah fled in the opposite direction. From here we see a downward spiral as the prophet tries to outrun the grace of God. ARISE is juxtaposed with, Jonah going DOWN to Joppa, DOWN in the boat, and sleeping DOWN in the inner part of the ship when the storm arises. But God’s grace out- weathers the storm;…

Time to Advance

It is time to advance. It is time to take that initial step towards destiny. What is God calling you to do? For the Israelites, it was a call to advance into the promise land, a land flowing with milk and honey. What is God calling you to do in life and ministry? This is the time to muster courage and take that first step.

THe Net Breaking Miracle

Luke 5:6 (NIV)6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. Welcome to our first miracle service in 2021. Our God is pleased to give His children net breaking miracles. Come prepared with your prayer points for 2021 as we believe God together for miracles. Invite your friends, colleagues, and classmates to this precious time with God.