Power Play
Social Justice God’s Way (2nd May 2021) Leviticus 19:13-14
主日证道视频 – 20210502
Simon He 传道
主日崇拜-完整版视频 20210502
传道书 3:9-15
Do not be confirmed to this world / 不要效法这个世界 / 이 세대를 본받지 않는 용기
◈ Youtube Link ☞ https://youtu.be/pMptoihRwHE
Discipleship Making Strategy
This Sunday we are starting a sermon series titled: KINGDOM DISCIPLE MAKERS. It is a series on the strategy of making disciples in the kingdom. It is important for us to understand the heart of God and how to strategically make disciples for the kingdom. Join us this Sunday, as we learn this strategy.
Empty Pockets, Empty Promises
Social Justice God’s Way (25th April 2021) Leviticus 19:11-12
主日证道视频 20210425
马可福音 9:33-37