SErmons (Page 89)

SErmons (Page 89)

Equipping Disciples

Ephesians 4:11‭-‬12 NIVSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up Kingdom advancement requires building disciple makers who will build other believers. Equipping disciples is central to multiplying disciples as they grow into maturity.

主日证道预告:论离婚再婚 | 马可福音(45)2021-05-23

简介 离婚和再婚的问题困扰基督徒和基督的教会已经好几个世纪了。特别是宗教改革、启蒙运动之后的教会世俗化脚步加快对教会信徒的婚姻家庭冲击就更大了。 对照马可福音中的记载,耶稣对离婚和再婚似乎所持的态度是非常负面的。那么,我们今天的基督徒当如何解读主耶稣的教导呢?如何是已经离婚也再婚的信徒,我们又当如何面对与耶稣教导相对立的现实生活处境呢?我们是否要改变婚姻现状以达到耶稣的要求,或是适应生存环境呢?这实在不是那么容易回答的问题。 本周日上午,李牧师将传讲可10:1-12有关离婚再婚的信息。敬请期待! 主日崇拜入口 每周日上午08:30上线 1. BICF官网:  2.微信服务平台(WeChat: IMSFUWUHAO) 3. Facebook关注:IMSchurch 4. Youtube关注:IMS Church

God’s Plan of Renewal

ISAIAH 65:17 “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.” Through the prophet Isaiah, God painted a picture of peace and flourishing for His people. It is a picture of life on earth where God’s will is done here as it is in heaven. God has chosen us, His people, to participate in bringing this to pass. Here, we will see the kind of world we…