SErmons (Page 86)

SErmons (Page 86)

Give Thanks

As we bring in the new year, we give God all the glory, praise and thanksgiving for bringing us through 2020. This year has been a year like no other and God has blessed us and has showed that he is watching out for us. So as we enter 2021 let’s remember how he has blessed us and kept us safe through this season of Covid-19 and how he will continue to bless us as we move forward into the…

Kingdom Advancement

2020 has been a challenging year for many of us with the COVID-19 pandemic but God has continued to show us his goodness and mercies. God has enlarged us spiritually and otherwise. 2021 is fast approaching and we are believing God for greater glory.

主日崇拜 – 完整版视频20201227

简介 主题:老王的追悼,新季新王的哀歌 经文:撒母耳记下 1:1-27 讲员:严李杰 牧师 讨论问题 1. 耶稣在这段经文中提到的“杯”和“洗”,请问这与我们今天教会的圣餐和洗礼有什么联系吗? 2. 耶稣亲口否认雅各、约翰对于属世权位的要求,提醒我们的又是什么?这对于很多在熟人社会中所建立起来的教会而言,又有什么重要的提醒? 3. 你觉得在中国的处境下,教会面对那些政治性的试探?我们又当如何避免呢? 敬拜诗歌 Worship:《新三一颂》《愿祢来》《安静》《神祢真好》 证道回应诗歌:《我心献曲》 奉献诗歌:《深触我心》 PPT 奉献 GIVING 下方二维码可供境内、境外的用户使用

主日证道视频 20201227

简介 主题:老王的追悼,新季新王的哀歌 经文:撒母耳记下 1:1-27 讲员:严李杰 牧师 讨论问题 1. 耶稣在这段经文中提到的“杯”和“洗”,请问这与我们今天教会的圣餐和洗礼有什么联系吗? 2. 耶稣亲口否认雅各、约翰对于属世权位的要求,提醒我们的又是什么?这对于很多在熟人社会中所建立起来的教会而言,又有什么重要的提醒? 3. 你觉得在中国的处境下,教会面对那些政治性的试探?我们又当如何避免呢? 敬拜诗歌 证道回应诗歌:《我心献曲》 PPT 奉献 GIVING 下方二维码可供境内、境外的用户使用

Love of Christ

Ephesians 3:18 (NIV) 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, Merry Christmas! This season is all about Christ who demonstrated His love to us in a dimension too huge to be measured. Praise the Lord! Now, we the gentiles, who were nobody are now in the love of God.

Joy Beheld

Join us this Christmas as we celebrate the coming of our Saviour and King, Jesus Christ. This is a time to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.