主日崇拜 – 完整版视频 20210530
主日证道预告:祝福小孩子 | 马可福音(46)2021-05-30
简介 小孩子这一个角色在马可福音(包括同观福音)中一在地出现。可见,耶稣对这个角色是有着不同一般的深意。与今天的生活完全不同,在公元一世纪左右,中东地区乃至整个罗马帝国所属的地区,小孩子根本不是我们生活的中心、重点,恰恰是不被重视,被边缘化的群体。那么为什么主耶稣要把小孩子与门徒们做对比?为什么耶稣说,只有像小孩子那样才能进入上帝的国度呢? 周日上午,我们一同分享! 主日崇拜入口 每周日上午08:30上线 1. BICF官网: www.bicf.org 2.微信服务平台(WeChat: IMSFUWUHAO) 3. Facebook关注:IMSchurch 4. Youtube关注:IMS Church
God’s Faithfulness
ISAIAH 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” If the book of Isaiah were a movie, then chapter 1, the opening act, would be a courtroom scene. God was presenting a case against the people He loves, and this was His charge: They have rebelled against me (Isaiah 1:2). To understand the gravity…
Why Aren’t You Married Yet?
Hot Seat: Conversations on Controversies (23rd May 2021) 1 Corinthians 7:6-9, 17-40
Equipping Disciples
Ephesians 4:11-12 NIVSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up Kingdom advancement requires building disciple makers who will build other believers. Equipping disciples is central to multiplying disciples as they grow into maturity.
Let’s walk in the Light / 我们在光明中行走 / 우리가 빛 가운데 행하자
◈ Youtube Link ☞ https://youtu.be/4aTDrHvMKvU?list=PLvgo_eXhgdVs5Zdqgg12Yof1tuBv_M8ap
主日证道视频 – 20210523
主日崇拜-完整版视频 20210523