圣餐主日崇拜 – 完整版视频 20210606
主日证道预告:财务自由者 | 马可福音(47)2021-06-06
简介 本周主日我们将进入马可福音第10章中那段少年的富人,也是大家非常熟悉的那个著名的少年的官(路加),来求问主耶稣:我做什么才能够承受永生。我们也都知道耶稣的回答:耶稣看着他、就爱他、对他说、你还缺少一件.去变卖你所有的、分给穷人、就必有财宝在天上.你还要来跟从我。之后,他的脸上就变了色、忧忧愁愁的走了.因为他的产业很多。 耶稣就讲了一句名言:骆驼穿过针的眼、比财主进神的国、还容易呢。这句话很多时候被我们误解了。那么,主耶稣到底是什么意思呢? 我们周日上午一起来到线上时解答。 主日崇拜入口 每周日上午08:30上线 1. BICF官网: www.bicf.org 2.微信服务平台(WeChat: IMSFUWUHAO) 3. Facebook关注:IMSchurch 4. Youtube关注:IMS Church
Just Snap Out oF it
Hot Seat: Conversations on Controversies (30th May 2021) 1 Kings 19:1-21
God’s Salvation
ISAIAH 2:5 “O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.” God gave Isaiah a picture of what it would be like in His kingdom. In this vision, the kingdom of God was depicted as a mountain of the Lord that nations would flow to for peace and salvation. They would even speak to others and invite them to go up to His mountain—to the house of God—to learn His ways and walk in His…
Multiplying Disciples
2 Timothy 2:1–2 (ESV)1 You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. Today we are continuing a sermon series titled: KINGDOM DISCIPLE MAKERS. It is a series on the strategy of making disciples in the kingdom.
Paper Idols
Isaiah 20:1-21:17
Perseverance of the Saints / 圣徒蒙保守 / 끊어질 수 없는 하나님의 사랑
◈ Youtube Link ☞ https://youtu.be/bqncCkfiZRQ?list=PLvgo_eXhgdVs5Zdqgg12Yof1tuBv_M8ap
主日证道视频 – 20210530
主日崇拜 – 完整版视频 20210530