SErmons (Page 74)

SErmons (Page 74)

主日崇拜-完整版视频 20211003

讨论问题 你在自己的灵性生活中是否曾经经历基督那客西马尼般的祷告?有的话,请与大家分享。 把你自己每天祷告的内容与耶稣在客西马尼园中的祷告作比较,你发现最主要差别在什么地方? 你觉得客西马尼的祷告对我们今天基督徒而言,最大的提醒是什么? PPT 奉献 GIVING 下方二维码可供境内、境外的会众使用

主日证道视频(中文字幕) 20211003

讨论问题 你在自己的灵性生活中是否曾经经历基督那客西马尼般的祷告?有的话,请与大家分享。 把你自己每天祷告的内容与耶稣在客西马尼园中的祷告作比较,你发现最主要差别在什么地方? 你觉得客西马尼的祷告对我们今天基督徒而言,最大的提醒是什么? PPT 奉献 GIVING 下方二维码可供境内、境外的会众使用

Faith in View of Christ’s Coming!

1 THESSALONIANS 1:9–10 9For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy wrote a letter to encourage the young church in Thessalonica. This church-planting team had preached the gospel and planted a thriving…

Courage to start 2

Deuteronomy 1:7 (NIV)7 Break camp and advance into the hill country of the Amorites; go to all the neighboring peoples in the Arabah, in the mountains, in the western foothills, in the Negev and along the coast, to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon, as far as the great river, the Euphrates. This Sunday, we are continuing our sermon series called COURAGE TO ADVANCE. It is a series on how to advance the kingdom of God in the…

主日崇拜-完整版视频 20210926

讨论问题 最后的晚餐是否就是逾越节筵席似乎很难确定,但是逾越节筵席的终极意义已经在最后的晚餐中表达出来了。请解释这句话的意义。 今天教会的主餐与耶稣自己最后的晚餐在形式方面已经有很多不同之处,只有领用的杯和饼却始终不变。为什么? 结合犹太人在逾越节所喝的四杯酒的传统,尝试理解耶稣所说的我不再喝这葡萄汁、直到我在神的国里、喝新的那日子。请解释为什么耶稣这样说? PPT 奉献 GIVING 下方二维码可供境内、境外的会众使用