Courage to Cross Over: Part 2
Joshua 3:1 (NIV) 1 Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over. This Sunday, we are continuing our sermon series called COURAGE TO ADVANCE. It is a series on how to advance the kingdom of God in the face of crippling fear based on the Isrealites’ journey to the promise land. Our sermon this Sunday is titled COURAGE TO CROSS OVER. Join us this…
Peddlers or Preachers?
Gospel for Life: A Walk through 1 Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6 31st October 2021
The Power of Praying for Others / 为他人祷告的力量 / 남을 살리는 기도
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主日崇拜-完整版视频 20211031
讨论问题 上帝的儿子似乎因为世人不义的裁决而进入可怕的死刑之旅,我们在跟随基督的道路上,是否也会遭遇同样的命运你?你是否有足够的心理准备?是否又有足够的灵力准备? 跟随主耶稣的我们需要自省:当我们面对众人/群众的声音时,我们当如何分辨真伪、善恶、美丑?如何可以不受众人的影响,却又可以影响众人?信仰在这里的重要作用又是什么呢? 除了罗马人(彼拉多等)、犹太人(祭司长等),你认为还有谁人必须对耶稣基督的受难负责? PPT 奉献 GIVING 下方二维码可供境内、境外的会众使用
主日证道视频(中文字幕) 20211031
讨论问题 1. 上帝的儿子似乎因为世人不义的裁决而进入可怕的死刑之旅,我们在跟随基督的道路上,是否也会遭遇同样的命运你?你是否有足够的心理准备?是否又有足够的灵力准备? 跟随主耶稣的我们需要自省:当我们面对众人/群众的声音时,我们当如何分辨真伪、善恶、美丑?如何可以不受众人的影响,却又可以影响众人?信仰在这里的重要作用又是什么呢? 除了罗马人(彼拉多等)、犹太人(祭司长等),你认为还有谁人必须对耶稣基督的受难负责? PPT 奉献 GIVING 下方二维码可供境内、境外的会众使用
Impact in Beijing
This Year BICF held there 5th annual Men’s Retreat. We Saw 30 men come from different Church Congregations within BICF and outside of BICF. The furthest attendee at this year’s retreat came from Shanghai. God is do amazing things within BICF’s Men’s Ministry. Here is the first Session from this year’s Retreat, MAKE IMPACT. Our own TJ Johnson teaches us on how we can MAKE IMPACT in Beijing. we hope you enjoy
The Great Commission
This Year BICF held there 5th annual Men’s Retreat. We Saw 30 men come from different Church Congregations within BICF and outside of BICF. The furthest attendee at this year’s retreat came from Shanghai. God is do amazing things within BICF’s Men’s Ministry. Here is the first Session from this year’s Retreat, MAKE IMPACT. Our own Aaron Clifford takes us on a Journey through the Great Commission.
A Call to Walk Worthy
Ephesians 4:17 – 32
Courage to Cross over: Part 1
Joshua 3:1 (NIV) 1 Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over. This Sunday, we are continuing our sermon series called COURAGE TO ADVANCE. It is a series on how to advance the kingdom of God in the face of crippling fear based on the Isrealites’ journey to the promise land. Our sermon this Sunday is titled COURAGE TO CROSS OVER. Join us this…
Power, Perseverance & Proclamation
Gospel for Life: A Walk through 1 Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 24th October 2021