SErmons (Page 38) 06/04/2023 The Beginning of the End Alkesh Woods 05/28/2023 Hans Chow 05/28/2023 The Holy Spirit Empowered Church J.B Fagg 05/21/2023 Faithful to the End J.B Fagg 05/16/2023 徐武豪博士 05/14/2023 Preach the Word Iann Wambisi 05/14/2023 Faith Without Works is Dead / 信心没有行为是死的 / 행함 없는 죽은 믿음 Steven Roh ◈ Youtube Link ☞ 05/07/2023 Pastor Ming 05/07/2023 Be kind to everyone / 不可偏心待人 / 차별하지 않으시는 사랑으로 Steven Roh ◈ Youtube Link ☞ 05/07/2023 Equipped for Every Good Work Adefarati Oloruntoba
05/14/2023 Faith Without Works is Dead / 信心没有行为是死的 / 행함 없는 죽은 믿음 Steven Roh ◈ Youtube Link ☞
05/07/2023 Be kind to everyone / 不可偏心待人 / 차별하지 않으시는 사랑으로 Steven Roh ◈ Youtube Link ☞