At City Church we believe in the power of prayer. Below you will find various options for you to get involved in our prayer ministries
Altar Prayer:
The Altar Prayer Team seeks to Provide an opportunity for anyone in City Church to encounter God and be ministered to through prayer at Sunday mornings. The Altar Prayer Team is ministering directly to people who come forward for prayer by partnering with them as we both petition God for any needs (physical, spiritual, emotional) a person might have.
To serve in the Altar prayer team, click HERE
Prayer Meeting
Join City Church Weekly Prayer Meeting on Tuesday nights! The emphasis in these Prayer Meetings is on corporate needs for the church, the city and the nations. That means that these meetings aren’t meant primarily for personal prayer needs. For those, people are still encouraged to reach out to the prayer teams in our weekend services, and to send prayer requests to citychurch@bicf.org
Every Tuesday, 7pm-9pm
Every Sunday, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Contact citychurch@bicf.org for more information.
Moms in Prayer
Moms in Prayer is a weekly, one-hour meeting to intercede on behalf of our children, family and schools through prayer. Come as you are. Commit to the hour. Make arrangements to occupy your children. Avoid distractions. Silence your phone.
What do you need:
• A Bible
• Prayer sheet (provided by the leader)
How do we do it:
• The Core Format and Method
• 4 steps to prayer
• Praise 8 – 10 mins
• Silent Confession 2 – 3 mins
• Thanksgiving 10 mins
• Intercession 35 mins
• One Accord Praying – agreeing together as directed and energized by the Holy Spirit
• Praying scripturally
• Praying specifically
• Evangelism praying
We maintain strict confidentiality – what is prayed for in the group, stays in the group.
We do not share prayer requests. We talk to God directly about it.
To join Moms in Prayer, email family@bicf.org