Celebrate Recovery (CR) is …
… a Christ centered ministry where participants work the 12 steps and 8 principles of recovery and discover tools that bring healing for hurts, deliverance from life-controlling habits and freedom from the hang-ups that keep us from healthy relationships with God and others
… a safe place to learn, grow and share, a refuge, a place to belong, a place to be cared for and care for others.
… a place where each person is respected and confidentiality is a core value.
… a family of men and women, who have travelled the long road of recovery in their own lives and gladly support, help and encourage others on their journey.
… the adventure of a lifetime that can lead to our highest calling, the life we dream of having and freedom from the pain and mistakes of the past.
What Happens at Celebrate Recovery?
Great fellowship! Great worship! Great recovery opportunities with teaching, testimonies and open-share recovery groups!
Who Needs Celebrate Recovery?
Anyone struggling with a hurt, habit, or hang-ups is welcome at CR. The only requirement is a desire to change.
How Do I Join Celebrate Recovery?
Just come to the Large Group Meeting. CR meets weekly throughout the year. No pre-registration or sign up is required; it is your choice whether to participate in all that is offered.
What Do You Have To Lose?
Just the chains that bind you: acting out, anger, addiction, fear, guilt, hopelessness, shame, compulsive or dysfunctional behavior.
For additional Information and registration contact: celebraterecovery@bicf.org