Women today face a multitude of challenges. Many have found peace, comfort, hope, security and answers to life’s big questions as they uncover the truth in God’s Word.
Women of all ages around the world have the opportunity to study the Bible together, exploring the meaningful questions of life, going deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ and connecting with other women in conversations about things that matter.
Group members spend time in personal Bible study during the week with questions that prompt deeper thought. Once a week they meet in-person or online for small-group discussion around what they’ve read. They also have access to a teaching that applies the truths of Scripture to daily life along with comprehensive lesson notes on the passage they studied.
Injustice. Conspiracy. Salvation.
The BSF’s four-week study of Jesus’ Passion – the final supper, betrayal,
trials, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are covered in Matthew 26-28. Join our discussion groups to explore this incredible series of events as we study God’s Word with each other!
• From late April to late May
• Discussions available in English, Mandarin or Cantonese
When do we meet:
Monday Evening: 7:30 pm (Mandarin)
Monday Evening: 8 pm (English)
Wednesday Evening: 8 pm (English)
Friday Daytime: 9:30 am (English and Mandarin)
For enquiries or registration, please email class1103bjw@yahoo.com.
(Due to local government regulations, only foreign passport holders can register)For location and more information, please email citychurch@bicf.org.