AOM Core Values

AOM Core Values

Our Passion is to create an environment where we can all come together to F.E.A.S.T. in the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ and be empowered to transform the world around us.


We are passionate about creating a home away from home for our brothers and sisters from all over the world who are currently study, working and living in Beijing. A place where people can experience love, care, comfort and genuine friendship.


We are passionate about making disciples of all nations. Evangelism and disciple making are at the core of our ministry. We believe we have been given the mandate to help fulfill the Great Commission.


We are passionate about fervently connecting with God in worship and prayer as we believe Him for an overflow of the anointing which ushers in an atmosphere of miracles and cause people to tap into the supernatural as the receive the ministration of the Holy Spirit.


We are passionate about seeing every believer discovering, developing and deploying their gifts. We Believe that every believer is gifted to serve in one way or the other and that we can all be a blessing to one another. It is our desire to see believers growing equipped to serve God and others.


We are passionate about delivering powerful expository teaching of the Word of God which is both inspiring and transformational. It is our prayer that people would be taught not just to know the Word of God but to live in total obedience of the teachings and commands of Jesus.