Jane grew up in the church. She understood why Jesus died for her sins and why she should believe in Him to be saved. But the Holy Spirit was a bit of a mystery. As she read her Bible, sometimes she imagined the Holy Spirit was like the Force in Star Wars – a impersonal power you could channel to do impossible things. Other times, she imagined the Holy Spirit was like a genie, handing out gifts to believers who happened to cross paths with him.
She was shocked to learn that the Holy Spirit is neither impersonal nor some lower form of spirit, but God Himself, who dwells inside every believer, enabling them to live godly lives through the process of sanctification and uniting them spiritually with other believers.
If you too want to learn more about God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, come for the Discipleship class “Who is God the Spirit?”
Date: March 9 (Sunday)
Time: 1:30pm – 3pm