To the brothers and sisters of BICF, thank you for your donations to the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. We raised ¥28,345.04 from February 8th to February 28th and have donated to the needy through Taiwan Frontline Missions and BIRS (Bridge International Refugee Services).
Information update:
The AFTA team, which is in partnership with the Mission, has recently set up a “Central Relief Committee” in Jordan, which includes evangelical pastoral leaders, to develop relief strategies and guidelines through this committee.
Now the AFTA has four teams on the ground helping the victims, located near four cities, both on the coast and inland. Most of the affected are members of AFTA’s Syrian Church family.
The victims have been provided with: tents, food baskets (containing milk powder, milk and food for children), diapers, blankets, firewood, and medicine.
Needs in the affected areas:
1. The medicines needed by the relief medical teams are in very short supply and need to be snapped up on the black market.
2. Teams arriving in the affected areas not only listen to the victims, but also pray for them, and share the gospel with them if they are willing to open up.
3. As of March 2nd, the Mission has raised $1.5 million, reaching 75% of its fundraising target.
Prayer Requests:
1. Several Jordanian pastors left for Syria on 2/27 and are now well on their way to the disaster area. please remember the relief work in progress.
2. Please continue to pray for the AFTA team and for the churches in the affected areas as they walk alongside the victims in the relief effort.
3. American medical teams have entered the affected areas, but medicines are still in short supply. Please pray that all medicines and relief supplies are procured smoothly and distributed effectively to the victims.
4. Please continue to pray for our fundraising (75% achieved) and for the wise and efficient use of the relief funds.