In Matthew 22:37, Jesus says: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
This Women’s Bible Study hopes to help you do exactly that: by studying the Bible with your heart and mind, we hope that your soul is enriched by a greater understanding and love of God.
This in-person women’s study will be a place to build encouraging relationships with other like-minded women and learn helpful tools to study the Bible.
We will examine Genesis 1-11, where we will be able to see and learn how God’s love, justice, grace, faithfulness, and power has been the same from the beginning. We will seek to comprehend, interpret, and apply each verse in these eleven chapters, deepening our understanding of the text as a result.
Each week, there will be homework to complete, and every Monday, we will meet to discuss what we have learned, listen to video teachings on the study, and pray together as a group.
Date: Monday evenings (starting April 1st)
Time: 7:30pm – 9pm
Location: TBA, near Zaoying 枣营 Area
To register, please click on the link here (Microsoft Forms) and choose by location “Zaoying 枣营 WOMEN “God of Creation” Bible Study (Monday Evening 7:30pm).